
Max Lester is an artist, writer, rogue scholar, retired punk, and actor-for-hire. Max was born in Toronto and currently lives in Rotterdam. He spends much of his time walking, often in circles, through the cities he dwells in. This is where he conducts his observational and very subjective research and collects material for sculptures and images. Max is curious about the mysteries of power and the power of mystery. He believes that if he looks very closely at the surfaces of things and tends to the waste and rejects of the world, he might come to understand how ideologies of this racist-colonial-capitalist system we live in, are encoded, sublimated, and maintained. 

Max received his BFA in Integrated Media at OCAD University and has exhibited his work in Canada and Europe, including shows at InterAccess, A Tale of a Tub, Bunker 2, United Contemporary, and Eastern Bloc. Currently, Max is working on his MFA at the Piet Zwart Institute.

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